Find Help Nearby

You’re not alone. If you are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence, we’re here to help.

Don’t know where to call? Try the statewide hotlines.

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-228-7395

Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-489-7273

Kind and Caring Advocacy

What To Expect When You Call

When you reach out, you will talk to a caring person called an advocate.  The advocate will listen carefully to you, and can help you think about your options and what will work best for you. Advocates work with people of all races, ethnicities, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, disabilities, religions, and backgrounds.

What do Network member programs offer?

  • Private Help: Network member organizations will not share any information about you unless you allow them to.
  • Hotlines/ Support Line: Call to talk, for information, or to get help. Programs offer free 24/7 hotlines.
  • Legal Help: Advocates give information about legal issues like protection orders and the legal system. Sometimes advocates can go with victims to court.
  • Help at the Hospital: Advocates can meet people at the hospital after an assault, stay with people during an exam, and help people understand their options.
  • Help with Basic Needs: Advocates help people understand their rights and learn about resources to meet their basic needs.
  • Shelters and Safehomes: Help finding safe short-term shelter.

Support for LGBTQ+ survivors of violence

Pride Center of Vermont Safespace Program

Hotline: (802) 863-0003
Toll free: (866) 869-7341
Support line hours:
Monday through Thursday, 10am – 6pm
Friday, 10am – 2pm
Email: [email protected]